Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Remember way back in September when I expressed my displeasure at having to walk the streets of Paris in a cloud of second-hand smoke?  Well, I am still not pleased about it but can say that as a result I can now at least hold my breath for a solid minute straight. 

I also noted in that post that I was amazed at how many French people smoke, especially given that the cigarette packs state in no uncertain terms that smoking will kill you.

See.  I wasn't making that up.  The individual packs and cartons actually say that.  What I didn't know until recently is that they also say other awesome things in order to discourage people from smoking.   Check this out...

I thought this one was clever.  However, I think a warning about how much one spends on cigarettes in a lifetime might be more effective.

This, though, has to be my favorite.  

Many thanks to the airport duty free shop for providing me with this material.


Vilma said...

What about when you tried to teach me to smoke cigarettes in the McElvaney parking lot?????????

Pink Slip Gourmet said...


I'm certain you have me confused with your friend, Farrah.

vilma!! said...

I also believe you taught me how to drink 7&7 and Franzia with our RA, Yodi. I'm sorry I didn't talk to you as much 2nd semester, but I felt like you were microwaving a lot of pizzas in the breakroom.