Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Ferrandi Flashback: Poissonerie

Towards the end of our schooling at Ferrandi, we had a Meilleur Ouvrier de France (MOF) en Poissonerie teach us how to properly filet a fish.  The distinction of MOF en Poissonerie is literally translated as the best worker in France in fishmongering (although it makes more sense to just say the best fishmonger in France because I am fairly certain fishmongering is not really a word).  It's quite a big deal to be a MOF in anything.  Who knew, though, that there could be a MAF - Meilleur Apprentis de France, best apprentice in France?  On top of that, who knew that a MAF in Fishmongering (I plan to trademark that word) would be so stylish?

The MAF, sporting quite a stylish outfit to be handling fish.

The MOF.  You can always spot a MOF because their collars are blue, white and red for France.  No one else is allowed to have those colors on the collar of a chef's coat.

Showing us how to properly filet a fish.  Um, where were you in September, buddy, when we started school and were clueless?

My turn to try the mackeral.

Ta da!

The MOF and the MAF showed us how we could get all French and fancy with presenting a fish if we so desired. 

This one looked like Princess Leia to me.

And this was just gross.  Which fish did I just happen to pick out of the bin to filet?  This one with its nasty, smelly insides already coming out of a hole in the belly.

And it just kept getting worse each time I tried to filet it.

Hope you aren't eating lunch and reading this!  I don't say this often, but seriously eww.

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