Monday, March 22, 2010

Ferrandi Flashback: Boucherie

No, you haven't accidentally clicked on the wrong blog.  You are absolutely not on some weird Silence of the Lambs fansite.  You are simply viewing what I saw when I walked into Boucherie (Butchery) class last December.  Still kind of creepy, though, huh?

With the push of a button the butcher carted in this hook.

Attached to it was this lamb.

He showed us how to cut all the different pieces of meat using said lamb.  Here, as you can see, he cuts it in half.  Just like that.

Not all of us were fans of this class.  And I certainly wasn't a fan of the outfit they made us wear.  For the second time in six months, I felt like I was in the movie "The Hot Zone" and any second the person next to me was going to die of ebola.

Thankfully, that wasn't the case.  Instead, the person next to me, the butcher himself, busted out a huge saw

and then a rather larger cleaver

to show us the most efficient way

to cut open the ribcage.

He then went about performing the task of cutting the ribs into racks.


He also showed us how to cut the shoulder,

the loin,

and...wait for it...

the leg of lamb.

"Tada!" says Sonja.  We are finished with boucherie. 

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