Thursday, April 29, 2010

St. Malo - Food Shops

When I am visiting a new place, my favorite thing to do is walk around and discover all the local shops.  Of course, 9 times out of ten I find myself in some sort of food shop. Shocker.  I just can't help myself; I'm a foodie at heart.  Here are the best food shops I found in St. Malo.  If you are heading there in the future, check out these unique establishments.

Confiserie Guella makes its own caramel au beurre salé, and it is hands down the best caramel I have ever eaten.  Believe me, I wouldn't throw those words around lightly.  It helps that Brittany is know for salt and butter, both of which go into making the divine caramels.  I assume Guella does not have to look far for quality ingredients. 

This was a small combination chocolate store/patisserie we stumbled upon and we went back at least three times.  Why?

Well, they specialized in regional cakes and pastries that were out of this world.  Again, fairly sure there was a serious amount of butter in all of them, but at least it was the best butter in the world.

One speciality kept bringing us back here - the tarte au caramel.  Do you see the trend here in St. Malo - butter, salt, caramel?  I could live there.  I might put on several kilos in a short amount of time, but that would be the point I guess.

I was a bit excited here, but then again who wouldn't be when tasting perfection?

La Maison du Beurre (The House of Butter).  This establishment specializes in Beurre Bordier, which just happens to be in my humble opinion the best butter in "ze world."

Yes, the chunk of golden delicious looking awesomeness right there on the counter is beurre demi-sel or for the non-frenchies lightly salted butter.

In addition to butter, you can buy all kinds of regional favorites here.

And learn how butter is made.  It's like a little mini field trip all in one store.

The best part is you can leave with your own little piece of butter that was pulled of the big chunk of butter and pounded into this nifty shape - all in front of your eyes.  Now, only if it were free. :)

This store is a must see.  Epices Roellinger sells myriad spices and spice mixes.  The owner/operator is super friendly and informative.  He not only will guide you to the right spice for you but will also give you ideas on how to best use it.

The aroma in the store is surprising pleasant, not overhwelming at all.

You can find just about anything you want on this wall of spices.  Happy hunting!

Confiserie Guella
8 rue porcon
St. Malo

La Maison du Beurre
9 rue de l’Orme
St. Malo

Epices Roellinger
12 rue Saint Vincent
St. Malo

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