Saturday, April 17, 2010

If You're Going to San Francisco...

Apparently you're not only going to meet some gentle people there, but also some oddly dressed and slightly intoxicated French students.  I'm not sure if I am just out of touch with really hip music these days or if the French just listen to weird remixes of this tune on a regular basis.  Either way, the song is everywhere right now, including being blasted from loud speakers in front of the Pantheon recently.

What started out as a simple stroll to the Pantheon

ended up with me and B being surrounded by people dressed "comme ça,"

singing the techno/dance version of "San Francisco."

And after the group sing-a-long, they boarded this truck (which was still blaring the song)

and were escorted by a police car throughout Paris.  Hmm.  Go figure.

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