Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Patisserie - Part II

So, remember that extra piece of puff pastry that was left over in yesterday's post? Well, this is what we did with it...

Take the dough

Cut in half and put leftover pieces from first puff pastry dough onto bottom half

Cover with top half

Roll into a square

And then roll out into long rectangle

Cut to desired size and then place 'strips' on the edge of "tortured" dough

Bake in the oven until golden brown

Pipe with the fat/calorie free (ha!) pastry cream

And decorate with fruit. Voila!

After eating a ridiculous amount of puff pastry while in class, I knew it was time to admit my addiction and get back on the wagon. So, I gave some to my landlady, and then I tried to bribe the woman working at the train ticket location with some, but it didn't work. Alas, those begging in the street for money in Paris will become the lucky recipients of a box full of pastry instead of a few coins! I just can't bring myself to throw it in the trash.

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