I have put off posting about what we made this week because, well, it was the week of cold hors d'oeuvres which is not exactly as entertaining as, say, anything else in the culinary universe. Julienning "ze veg" over and over again/chopping mounds of mint and parsley/segmenting every piece of citrus possible can make a woman go mad! However, we learned a lot of good techniques this week so I am glad we did it and equally glad it is now over.
Tuesday's cold "veg" salad.
On Wednesday, I had to dismantle this artichoke.
Took off the stem. We learned to never cut it off - always break it off so all those spiky looking things on the right come out of the artichoke.
What was left of the artichoke when I was finished. A lot of work for a little bit of aritchoke.
More cold veggies. :)
Thursday, we made three different types of Taboule: one with a base of cous cous (center), one with a base of quinoa (left) and one with a base of wheat (right).
And on Friday, I transformed the ordinary lemon into a basket.
Then sliced lemons and oranges and topped them with the basket and some lemon crowns I made too.
Finally, we segmented oranges and topped with minced red onion, cilantro, black pepper and sesame seed oil. DELICIOUS!!!
Long live the cold hors d'oeuvre...
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