Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Morning Market with the Chefs

Today, we met our head Chefs, Stephane and Sebastian, at what is reputedly the best market in Paris, Marché President Wilson in the 16th. The fishmonger and one of the produce men there are frequently used by the three star Michelin restaurants in Paris.

We learned what to look for while shopping in the markets in Paris, which of course is good knowledge and I am so glad to know the ins and outs now. However, I can't quite put my new knowledge to test considering my "kitchen" is not exactly up to par. Let me put it to you this way, my sink is a drawer. When I need water, I pull out a drawer and there's a freaking sink in it. As my grandmother would say, "Beats all I've ever seen!" So, buying lots of fresh (read dirt still clinging to veggies) produce that needs to be washed isn't my idea of a fun afternoon at home.

Marché President Wilson

Fresh, beautiful tomatoes

Looks like some cool mushrooms, huh? Wrong! According to Chef, these mushrooms are too big. They are old and moldy. Do not buy!!!!

Purple cauliflower is a new phenomenon in a very tradional France.

Gorgeous root vegetables

Multi-colored radishes

Thiebault is the produce man! Look at all those fresh herbs.

Black radish

Onion, garlic and shallot, oh my!

Now, these mushrooms you can buy. Lots of variety from which to choose.

How delicious does this lobster look? 195 Euros gorgeous?

So, the little white things in the middle are frog legs. A few of us were confused as to why there were random frog legs in the middle of the fish section. So, I asked Chef this in French, and in English he said,"Frogs, water, of course they are by ze fish!" Oh, right.

Still can't get over the size of these things. Huge!





Chef Sebastian and Chef Stepane preparing a roadside feast for us from the market.

Cheese. I think I might become a vat of cheese by the end of this year. You're welcome, arteries.



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