Friday, February 12, 2010

Occupational Hazard

Newly sharpened (think razor sharp) chef's knife + slick onion + slip of the hand = sliced thumb.

I made it through culinary school without needing too many bandaids (except of course after my unfortunate encounter with a sliding cabinet) only to need one the second week into my stage.  It's the worse when you cut yourself because everyone is worried, comes over, asks if you are ok, and wants to see the cut.  All the time, you just want to curse yourself, your knife, and quite frankly the people badgering you and hold it closed until the bleeding stops.  What makes matters worse is when you try to locate a bandaid in well-staffed, sharp-knife wielding restaurant only to find there aren't any.  Luckily, I am a follower of the 5 P's (prior planning prevents poor performance) and so had some bandaids of my own in my locker upstairs.  The bad news is this meant bringing more attention to myself by having to leave the kitchen, hop over the table for dirty dishes, and trudge through the dining room upstairs to my locker.  Pretty much everyone now thinks that the new stagiare is unable to use a knife. :) 

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