Saturday, February 6, 2010

Expert Peeler

It's only the third day of my stage, but I woke up this morning totally exhausted.  It was that feeling of exhaustion I had come to know so well towards the end of culinary school.  I guess they were preparing us for the stage.  Despite my exhaustion, comfy bed, cute husband, and the perfect rainstorm in which to sleep, I dragged myself out of bed, into the rain, and to the restaurant.

In only three days, I have become what one might call an expert peeler.  I have peeled scores of apples, crates of pears, boxes of eggplant and what seems like tons of langoustines.  I can't decide which is worse - the fruit/veg or the langoustines.  On one hand, the fruit totally stains your hands all kinds of funky colors and makes them feel arthritic by the time you are done.  On the other hand, I can barely open a water bottle because my thumbs are so sore from crushing the langoustines and peeling them from their shells.  Either way, I walk away each day with an interesting mix of colors on my hands and new wounds to prove my worth in the kitchen.

In case you are wondering what langoustines look like:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Proud of your hard work!!! Love, Brad