Thursday, February 11, 2010


Yesterday, we emerged from our tiny boite to find the banks of the Seine full of snow and snowflakes lazily falling from the sky.  It was cold, but beautiful - a perfect combination for a wintry walk around Paris.

After crossing the Seine,

we found ourselves wandering through this park which houses the Tour Saint-Jacques.

Only a short time later, we were bombarded by a veritable blizzard (at least by Paris standards and certainly by the standards of someone from well south of the Mason-Dixon Line).  A flood-inspiring downpour of rain is the best way I can describe the weather except of course for the fact that it was snow, not rain.  There were huge snowflakes pummeling the ground with amazing speed.

Luckily, we were able to take refuge in this covered shopping area that conveniently had a wine bar.

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