Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Back to Reality

After an amazing vacation, I was pulled quickly back to earth this morning as I started my stage.  I am working at a seafood restaurant in Paris.  Detaching claws and tails from the heads of Langoustines, carefully extracting the tail meat and then going after the infamous "black line" of goo with a small skewer is a far cry from whiling away my time in an Austrian ski village.  However, I loved it.  So, I guess that means I'm still on the right career track!

Unfortunately for me, I had no idea there was a back door to the restaurant.  So, even though I was 15 minutes early, I really ended up being 15 minutes late because I just kept waiting for everyone to show up.  B was waiting with me and we finally found this tiny, nondescript entrance after seeing a baker drop off some bread there.  Luckily, they weren't mad and understood that I had been confused.  Of course, they probably don't tell any stagiares which door to use and see how long it takes them to find it.  I hope I passed that test. 

I worked in the entree (read first course) section today.  Luckily for me, there is a new girl who started 10 days ago.  She has somewhat learned the ropes, but still needs a friend too so she took me under her wing and showed me most everything.  You have to learn fast and in a kitchen where no English is spoken, my French is truly tested.  There was only one point today when I was a bit confused as to what was wanted of me, but I quickly figured it out.  I guess that is how it will go.  Learn to swim or else drown.  So, here's to swimming like Michael Phelps!

P.S.  I hate to say this, but my posts about the stage will not be accompagnied by photos.  You have no idea the urge I had to whip my camera out of my front pocket and take pictures of everything, every step today.  However, I don't quite think that is kosher in the working restaurant kitchen, so I will have to supplement stage posts with other posts about food, Paris, restaurants, etc that have pictures.  Hopefully, that will satisfy your photo appetite. :)

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