Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Graduation Trip: Munich

Munich was really just a stop we made because we needed to get back to Paris and there was a flight from there.  However, we decided to stay the night so I could see the city.  Unfortunately, by this time of the trip, I was "over" all the cold weather and snow.  So, we only made one or two quick trips out into the city itself.   When we did, though, it was worth it.  I'd love to go back and see this town in the summer.  I bet it is lively and fun.  In the meantime, enjoy Munich in January with me... 

The trip to Munich would not be complete without a super large beer and pretzel.

Yep.  Snow!

The snow prompted us to stop in for hot chocolate.  I love it when they do things like this.  Thick hot chocolate sauce, warm milk and whipped cream - all ready for you to make it into the delicious drink you want it to be. 

Seeing the sights.

This building holds the famous clock.

Close up of the clock.

Perhaps due to the hordes of good food I had consumed on this trip, I was bound to have a bad meal somewhere.  That place just happened to be in Munich.  Honestly - three fried eggs with no seasoning, boiled potatoes with no seasoning, and what can only be described as spinach baby food with no seasoning.  I guess no one claims that Germany is known for their food, but geez you would have thought I was in England.

The Germans should stick to their beer brewing skills instead of cooking. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

in defense of munich's culinary skills my meal was awesome! love, brad