Monday, November 2, 2009

Where Has the Pink Slip Gourmet Been?

Yes, I haven't posted since Thursday, and I know you are just dying to know why.  You don't have to act coy with me.  I know that you missed me. :)

No, I wasn't quarantined with H1N1; nor was I kidnapped by the French Legion.  Nope, neither one, although they are both possible. Ok. One is more possible than the other, but still anything can happen, right? 

So, where have I been?  I simply went on a weekend vacation.  The question, then, that remains is where.  Below is a photo of a person I saw while at this unknown location.  I would venture to say that this might be what a typical tourist looks like while enjoying this city.  So, go for it.  Take a guess, and if you are the first person to guess correctly, you'll be "Pink Slip Gourmet's winner of the day" and let's be honest, who doesn't want to be that?


Lili said...

mmmm Switzerland???;-P

Diana & Orie said...

the french alps?

Kenny Powers said...

I have seen that dazed look before. Must be Amsterdam.