Friday, December 4, 2009


As I mentioned yesterday, today was our regional menu from Perigord.  Because B and I are headed to Strasbourg this weekend, I missed out on the dessert course.  So, no pictures from that.  The meal was duck, duck, and more duck and thus good, good, and even better.

Ready to eat please.

Rillettes de Canard.  There is no English translation for this in my opinion.  If I had to call it anything, it would be creamy goodness and there would be zero mention of the fact that I should probably have a clogged artery after eating so much of it today.  It is essentially duck meat that has been cooked in duck fat until very tender then mashed together with seasoning and put into little pots and topped with duck fat to conserve it.  It sounds weird, but is awesome when spread on toasted bread.

The top fat layer is taken off and the rillette that you use as a spread is found underneath.  Yum!

The next dish was a garbure, a soup that is typical of Southwest France.  Veggies, beans, sausage, and you guessed it - duck.

My dish was seared foie gras which we topped with truffle slices so you can barely even see the foie gras, but believe me it was there.

The last dish was magret de canard - duck breast - with potatoes.  Again, it is hard to see the potatoes so I have a photo below. 

They are just as delicious as they look.

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