Friday, December 18, 2009

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow

The first snowfall of the year in Paris was early yesterday morning (when I was walking to school without my rainboots), and it really didn't stop until this afternoon (when I was wearing my rainboots).  It was so exciting to watch the snow fall from the kitchen all day both days - a great contrast to the firey hot stove on which we were cooking.

It's hard to describe how magical Paris is when it snows, especially right before Christmas, but just imagine all the beautiful parks and monuments covered in fresh, white snow.  It's downright amazing, and it has put an energy in the air that is palpable.  So much so that the mean cafeteria lady at the school today actually cracked half a smile at me and a random French person on the street actually said "Pardon" when she slammed into me instead of just barrelling forward per usual.  Who knew snow could have that effect?

Here are some pics of the snow, but they just do not do it justice since I couldn't take very many until late in the day yesterday.

Taken through a window in the kitchen at school.

The snow really piled up on Thursday.

A cafe near my apt.

Buildings dusted with snow.

Notre Dame in a haze of snow flurries.

St. Michel Fountain.

And all good things must come to an end.  This is what I like to call nasty pollution snow which now graces the streets of Paris. 

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