Tuesday, December 15, 2009

If It's Not One Thing, It's Another

One of two things is going on with me recently.

Option 1 - Ferrandi's intense culinary program has messed with my head, and I no longer think straight unless I am deboning some sort of animal or turning a potato.

Option 2 - I have mentally checked out until after the Christmas holiday which is fast approaching.

Either way, I've lost it (at least temporarily).  Why you ask?  Well, for several reasons, but most recently it was the fact that after four months straight of taking my camera to school in order to update this blog, I forgot it yesterday.  Well, today I remembered it.  Score one for sanity. I took lots of great pictures of the pork, braised lettuce and chateaux potatoes we made.  I then took some great pictures at the start of our butchering class this afternoon.  This was promptly followed by me erasing all of them despite the camera's warning of DO YOU WANT TO ERASE ALL?  Score one for insanity.

I know what you are thinking - the score is tied 1 to 1.  So, I'm probably fine and need to stop worrying about early onset of memory loss.  However, you weren't in the kitchen with me this morning and you don't know that I served my rack of pork with the ugly rack side up (I'd show you a picture, but we all know what happened to that, so you will have to use your imagination).  And when Chef asked in his accented English after I plated it before him, "And thinking a little, please.  What iz wrong with zis?," staring at the plate with an obviously misplaced rack of pork, I truly and honestly could not figure out what was wrong with it.  Score about three for insanity.

Yep.  That puts me down 2.  Nope.  That would be 3 - see what I mean? 

Here's to Christmas break and coming back full force in January and kicking insanity's ***.

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