Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Amsterdam by Day

Saturday morning, our host, Liliana, took us on a bike tour of the city and then to one of the most delicious and interesting lunches I have ever had.  So interesting, in fact, that it merits its own post.  Stay tuned.  After lunch, B and I rode our bikes all over Amsterdam, which is the best way to see the city.  Although, I must say that riding a bike in Amsterdam was a bit nerve racking at first since you have to make sure not to get run over by other bikers or drivers or any other errant ramblers who have been enjoying Amsterdam's lax drug laws.  Once you conquer that, though, it's smooth sailing from there.  Well, that is until you wake up the next day walking like John Wayne since you haven't ridden a bike since people were talking about who killed JR on Dallas.  However, before feeling sore in places I didn't know existed, I as able to see all the cool stuff below.  Check out Amsterdam by day...

Full of narrow streets like this, lined with bikes.

Another bike lined, narrow street.  The feeling in Amsterdam is definitely that of a small village.

Lili and me.

Church in the city center.

I couldn't help but stop by Amsterdam's only big department store where I found this piece of awesomeness.  Just let me know if you want this sweater for Christmas.  I can make arrangements to get it for you, but hurry while supplies last.

Canals run through the entire city.

A group taking in the scenic view.

My new favorite person on earth.  Why, you ask?  Well, besides the obvious fact that this guy is the coolest person to ever exist just because of his looks and his awesome boat, he also plays the trumpet while spinning the boat in circles and then yelling a bunch of cool sounding Dutch words.  To top it off, he doesn't ask for money.  He's just there to entertain the world for free.  You can thank me later for introducing you to him.

B and our rental bikes.

A picture of the ground.  I was trying to ride my bike and take a picture of B riding his at the same time.  Bad idea.  Not quite as coordinated as ol' Lance Armstrong on a bike.

One of the many "coffee shops" in Amsterdam where you can see...

people like this guy.

Another canal.

See the beautiful building in the back right of the photo?  That's the train station in Amsterdam.  This is why I love Europe, because let's face it, there aren't too many train stations that look like that in the States.

From the beautiful building above to two huge, plastic four-sided urinals.  These were all over Amsterdam.  I guess they have to give people somewhere to relieve themselves after too much Heineken.  However, they certainly don't give them much privacy, do they?

Our afternoon snack: apple strudel.  Yum!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Oh, I am so happy that Sarah and Emily passed your blog on to me. I love reading about your experiences. Thanks for making me smile!!! Enjoy!